Maria Vincenti Pittrice

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MARIA VINCENTI is the stage name of an artist, of sicialian origin. She is born in 1941 in province of Palermo, Italy. Moved in years' 70 to Florence, Italy, she begins to work like fashionable designer. Soon manifest the artistic vein also through the own fashionable creations. It begins to attend an artistic academy to Prato, close Florence, where the design experiences several woven techniques which on, the artistic ceramics, the painting before with oil on burlap in order then to reach the acrylic one. Initially one shows oneself to the artistic world through the figurative one, but in years 2000, it follows the current of the artists as Bale, Boccioni, Severini, Kandinsky… and the love for these great masters push it to penetrate themselves in an other dimension of the painting, that one of the contemporary art. Under the professional aspect, therefore, MARIA VINCENTI, has found the own dimension just in the modern art. Its particularitity is that one to render a burlap “rich” through “interlaces” of such colors to render it only and inimitabile. It seems that, hazardously, the “baroque”, artistic period much present in Sicily, Italy, for the own particularitity to render “rich, I exploded to you, magnificent” the works, the furnishings it represents to you, it has been see again, in modern shape, from the artist, such to render for own “rich, explosive, equally magnificent” works. The artistic one with collective extensions continues just therefore covered, personal extensions and competitions carrying ahead the art where find the echoes of the nine hundred. Between the more important personal: “Thoughts” “All are Positive” “I and the Es” Participates to several competitions and, it prevails in the artistic world with important acknowledgments: Between these with the work “fragments of giada”, prize Mario Conti city of Florence, Italy, and, with the work “the life”, Prize Europe 2006. Lately Market has participated to the First Extension kept to the Garden Naxos - Taormina, Italy, and has participated to one collective extension in the Principato di Monaco, France. Currently it is prepared to participate to other manifestations of international character.

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